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Designed for litigators, by litigators.

Moxx supports all types of litigation matters whether criminal, civil or corporate.

Used for arbitrations, hearing & trials:

Trial workbook

Case Timeline

Case Narrative

Depositions Prep + Execution

DMS Integration

Trial Notebook

Task Management

Access cases from one dashboard to streamline workflow.
Assign tasks and track progress to reduce email traffic.
Build case timelines and tag by party and issue. 

Case Timeline. 

Make reviewing the most relevant information easy:

  • Outline the sequence of alleged activities
  • Tag by plaintiff, defense or third party
  • Identify and filter by individual and issue

Case Narrative.

Focus your energy toward the facts that matter most:

  • Identify key allegations
  • Oppose allegations with facts
  • Link hot docs and depositions
Witness 1 Witness 2
Constance Riley Mona Lisa Vito Witness Examinations Ernie Crane George Wilbur Sam Tipton

Trial Notebook.

Build the key resource for arbitrations, mediations, and litigations:

  • Customize to suit your organization
  • Cross-link and folder all hot docs 
  • Control invitations and permissioned access for all co-counsel and team members 

Moxx helps teams stay organized and collaborate on what matters.

In Progress To-Do Complete Your Tasks
Task Management

Track progress and meet key milestones.

Documents Search Filter
Document Library

Integrate with your firm’s ediscovery tool or upload directly to Moxx. 

@Carl Hoffman @Abby Thomas @Abby Thomas Abby Thomas Carl Hoffman Lauren Martin
Team Collaboration

Provide permission-based access to attorneys, paralegals, and external collaborators.


Streamline your case workflow and focus on what matters with Moxx.